Twitter Marketing Case Study
Discover how Llama Lead Gen developed a robust Twitter strategy that effectively informed and educated vaccine-hesitant audiences about the COVID-19 vaccine in one of the largest digital marketing campaigns in history.
The original social media message board; Twitter allows marketers to share information quickly and provides a perfect medium to have an open dialogue with audiences. Twitter can also be insanely inexpensive to promote content on, which makes it a great platform for brand awareness and thought leadership level campaigns.
The strategy for Twitter was to humanize the vaccine and remove it from the politicization of right and left mainstream media. Our goal was to put actual human faces and real discussions at the forefront of the discussion in order to create a more genuine connection with our audiences.
Video creative placed millennial and Gen Z couples in the spotlight. Couples from all walks of life, in an intimate setting, having the important conversation of whether or not to take the vaccine. In each instance, one member of the conversation had vaccine hesitancy and their partner/significant other expressed concern for their wellbeing with raw emotions and real words.
A second campaign was developed for Millennial parents/families. Continuing our efforts to humanize the topic of the COVID-19 vaccines, we decided to use video creative that focused on reminding parents what their children's lives were like pre-pandemic and how we can get them back there.
Twitter campaigns
Phase I
Amazon-promoted co-branded awareness image and video ads targeting highly vaccine hesitant regions.
May - June, 2021
2 Campaigns
2 Ad Groups
21 Ads
Phase II
Awareness campaigns broadly targeting young adults nationally.
September - November, 2021
2 Campaigns
4 Ad Groups
20 Ads
Phase III
Awareness campaigns from Phase II optimized and broken out into two language-based campaigns for English and Spanish.
November - December, 2021
2 Campaigns
5 Ad Groups
18 Ads
Overall results
Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions
View-Through Rate
Click-Through Rate
site visitors
Cost Per Site Session
Average Pages Visited
Average Session Duration
Campaign highlights
1.7 Pages
Additional Views Per Session
Second lowest across all channels
Top creatives
Phase I
Do It For Me :15
Amount Spent - $37,993
Impressions - 2,598,160
Ad Clicks - 6,177
CPC - $6.15
CTR - 0.24%
Phase II
Loading MultiCultural :60
Amount Spent - $99,877
Impressions - 4,993,379
Ad Clicks - 10,166
CPC - $9.82
CTR - 0.2%
Phase III
Brunch :15
Amount Spent - $98,444
Impressions - 10,119,485
Ad Clicks - 9,929
CPC - $9.91
CTR - 0.10%
Twitter post click metrics
38,478 Website Sessions
171,979 All-Platforms Average
1,184 FAQ Views
4,641 All-Platforms Average
0:17 Average Session Duration
0:19 All-Platforms Average
3.1% FAQ Conversion Rate
1.3 % All-Platforms Average
1.7 Pages Viewed Per Session
1.9 All-Platforms Average
Are you ready to take your Twitter digital marketing campaigns to new heights?
Do you have revenue goals to meet? Launching a new product?
Do you lack the bandwidth to develop a holistic marketing strategy on your own?
The Llama Lead Gen team is a team of experienced marketing professionals in everything from lead generation, SEO, marketing automation strategy, and everything in between. Connect with our team and let us help you achieve your marketing goals.